Makeup as well as beauty blog Monday Poll, Vol. 233

You may be wondering, “So what the heck is this Monday Poll thing anyway?”
No, se ei ole paljon kyselystä. It’s more just a constantly evolving (devolving?), somewhat random listing of concerns I’ve been putting out to visitors every Monday morning for the past four years. I’ve always enjoyed reading your answers in the comments, as well as I hope you enjoy reading mine.

Mood: I barely slept a wink last night, however I’m doing well. It’s sunny out, I’ve got a hot cup of coffee in my claws, as well as Tabs has yet to lash out at me for anything (yet). All things considered, seems like the begin of a quite great day.

Nopea! — what’s the very first movie quote that comes to mind?
“Leave the gun. Take the cannoli.”
— The Godfather, 1972

Shower or bath?
I believe baths are so much more relaxing, particularly in a huge claw-foot tub (it has to be a crystal clean tub), however showers are quicker…and sometimes when I’m taking one I pretend like I’m washing under a tropical waterfall.

Are you looking ahead to any type of trips or treats this fall?
Vegas, baby! El Hub as well as I are satisfying a couple of good friends there at the end of October, as well as I completely mean to utilize it as an chance to go all crazypants with my makeup. I can’t believe of a much better location than vegas to go over the top with glitter, feline eyeliner as well as smokey eyes.

Do you have any type of special photos or keepsakes at home? If you do, tell me about one of them.
There’s an old photo of me as well as my sibling Al that I keep on my desk. It was taken at a playground someday when we were kids, as well as I like it since we just look like we were having the biggest time. Al has the biggest smile on his face, as well as whenever I see it, it reminds me not to take every bit thing as well seriously.

I might spend all the time long _________.
Sleeping (I’m not kidding; I truly could).
Reading young adult sci-fi novels.
Watching truth television (sorry, however it’s true).
Admiring Jeremy Renner’s arms (LOL!)

How huge is as well huge for hoop earrings?
Oh, I’m sure there’s a limit, however I like ’em quite big, as long as they’re lightweight as well as thin. When the hoops are as well heavy, they hurt my ears, ouch!

What’s something your inner diva/drag queen would say?
Unless you’re likewise using a mask as well as wrestling boots, stay away from full-body spandex.

We’re at your preferred ice cream shoppe! Mitä saisi olla?
I’ll take two scoops in a waffle cone, please. One earl grey tea, as well as one salted caramel (if I’m answering, we’re going to three Twins).

And if you feel like being incredibly generous with those scoops, I won’t stop you!

Viikoittaiset tavoitteet:
New makeup looks as well as sit-ups…not necessarily in that order, LOL!

I sure dislike doing sit-ups, however they assist my lower back.

Oh, as well as absolutely have to begin getting to bed earlier. Well, not just to bed, however to sleep. My issue lately has been that I’ve been staying up past midnight reading.

Hi, sweets. Up as well as at ’em. I understand it’s difficult to state goodbye to the weekend, however it’s only temporary.

Can I get you a cup of something? What’s your poison? Coffee, tea, hot cocoa, mimosa? exactly how about if you fill out the Monday Poll, as well as I’ll be right back with something hot as well as caffeinated (unless you truly want that mimosa… No judging).


Yhteensä maanantaina kyselyn, kopioi vain noudattaa luetteloa, samoin kuin liitä se vastauksillesi kommenteissa.

1. Mieliala:
2. Quick! — what’s the very first movie quote that comes to mind?
3. shower or bath?
4. Are you looking ahead to any type of trips or treats this fall?
5. Do you have any type of special photos or keepsakes at home?
6. I might spend all the time ________.
7. exactly how huge is as well huge for hoop earrings?
8. What’s something your inner diva/drag queen would say?
9. We’re at your preferred ice cream shoppe! Mitä saisi olla?
10. Säännölliset tavoitteet:


Say it with me: “Leave the gun. Take the cannoli.”

Ystävällinen yhteisön kauneudenhaku,



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