Zoya Neely nail polish Makes Me Seafoam

wearing three coats of Zoya Neely, one of six $8 shades in Zoya’s new beautiful spring collection, available now in stores and also online
First new favorite thing of the day/du jour: French toast 2.0! I made it again, this time actually for breakfast (I’ll discuss the 2.0 version in a minute).

Second new favorite thing of the day/du jour: Zoya Neely nail polish, a creamy seafoam green, and the only thing I’ve been wanting to wear on my nails lately.


Every time I glance at my hands when I’m wearing it, I smile. It’s just so cheerful.

Two coats offers pretty complete coverage, but I’m wearing three for these pics.

Last time I applied Zeely, I didn’t use a base or top coat, and it lasted three full days before I started seeing tiny chips appear along the edges of my nails, so it seems durable. and it made it five days before the really honkin’ chips appeared.


Kissat ja meikkipaita?

42 dollaria

Osta nyt

Next time I’ll wear it with a base coat, at least, because it naturally emphasizes the ridges on my nails, which I actually think looks kind of neat, but a base coat applied before Neely ought to smooth things out, and improve the wear time.

To my fellow coral-crazed cosmetics lovers, try pairing Zeely with your current coral lipstick crush. So springy, so fun!

Hinta: $ 8
AVAILABILITY: available now in stores that carry Zoya polishes and also online
Makeup & Charm Blog Arvosana: A

French toast 2.0: the breakdown

Get in my belly!

Yesterday, after years making French toast, I made batch that actually made me swoon.

Fearing I would lose the recipe forever if I didn’t write/type it down! — I’m sharing it here…

Start by warming up a pat of butter in a non-stick pan on medium-high heat (to cut the calories, you could also use a spray like Pam).

Into a shallow bowl large enough for the shape and size of your bread, beat one egg, add around half a cup of vanilla almond milk, a splash of vanilla extract and a tablespoon of melted honey (I nuke mine in the microwave), and thoroughly mix.

This ought to be enough for two slices. Dip each one into the egg mixture, coating it completely.

Liiku nopeasti!

Next, plop each slice bread into your hot pan, and cook until golden brown. flip each slice over and repeat on the other side, and top them your favorite syrup or jam (I’m a maple syrup girl, myself).

Best if eaten piping hot.

So you may be thinking, “What’s the big deal? Why are these called version 2.0?” I think it’s the bread and the timing. Oddly, stale-ish, hard bread works best. Gross, I know, but it works! En lieu of stale bread, though, you could always toast your slices first to dry them out.

Another key: dipping the slices rapidly into the egg mixture. If I leave the slices in the mixture for a minute too long, the center stays soggy while the outside burns.



Do you like French toast? Do you ever make it at home?

Ystävällinen naapuruston charmin addict,


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